IFGA Services

We have recently added the IFGA Entertainment Business Directory. This is accessible to members and non-members, and members can list their businesses for free. We currently have more than 6,000 weekly visitors to the site so this is a chance to advertise what you offer.

We have also added our State-by-State Listing of Local and Regional Resources. This is an ongoing process, but it will continue to expand and be a great resource available exclusively to our members. 

We periodically conduct research and surveys to help benefit the indie film industry and our members. We recently published the complete results of the 2023-24 State of the Industry of Indie Filmmaking Survey. The results are publicly accessible. 


  • Member-based Service Providers
  • Business Insurance 
  • Health Insurance (comprehensive medical options, dental coverage, vision, and pharmacy solutions)
  • Concierge-style, online health care
  • Contract Reviews and  Legal Access
  • Discounted Digital Cinema Package (DCP) Creation Services
  • Discounted Quality Control Services
  • Certification for taking Online Courses for Professional Development