Business Directory Listing


We currently have more than 6,000 unique visitors to the website each week.

  • Standard Listing (Members): $0
  • Standard Listing (Non-Members): $54/year
  • Featured Listing $299/year
  • Forever Featured Listing: $699
  • Additional Category: $35
  • Listings do not auto renew
  • May take 48 hours to go live

Enter the information below you would like displayed in your listing.

What category would you like this under? If we don’t have the category listed, we can add it if needed.

Up to 8 sentences. Tell us what you do, but keep it concise!

In 1 or 2 sentences, tell us what you do.

If you would like to add your listing to an additional category, do so here.

Square images work best, but are not required. Upload a logo or image here. This is not required but recommended.

(max file size 3 GB)

Select quantity equaling the dollar amount if a custom order has been set up for you.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Get your business added to the IFGA Business Directory.

  • STANDARD LISTING (Members): Free with Active Membership
  • STANDARD LISTING (Non-Members): $54 per year
  • FEATURED LISTING (Highlighted. above standard): $299 per year
  • FOREVER FEATURED LISTING (Pay once, update as needed): $699
  • It may take 48 hours to go live (two business days), but we try to be quicker!